Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Well we had our first day of kindergarten today, something I've been waiting to do for a very long time now.  It feels really good knowing that I only have one thing to worry about in my life...and that is my daughters education.

Today we did history, science, reading, and writing.  For history/social studies we looked at what it means to be a family and the different types of families and she worked on learning her address.  For science we discussed the difference between living and non-living things; we watched a video and played a game all online on the subject.  For reading I read another chapter in Charlotte's Web to her, she read one of her books using the TAG system and then we briefly reviewed letters A-E just to make sure she still remembered upper and lower case forms, sounds, and a word or two that started with the letter.  And finally for writing I just had her write out the letters A-E in both upper and lower case form just to refresh her.  We were going to make homemade donuts today for "National Donut Day" but we just didn't have time and we were both very tired.  My husband Chad started night shift tonight so we wanted to spend a little time with him before he went to work.

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